Friday, December 20, 2019

Weekly Plans for January 6 - 10, 2020

This week will be devoted to Vocabulary # 11 (pages 138 -144), The introduction of diagramming sentences and the handing out of To Kill a Mockingbird, which will be our next novel. Also, there will be a school-wide Spelling Bee on Thursday, January 9 in the gym at 2:50.

Monday: Vocabulary #11 for the first 10 minutes. We will introduce diagramming of sentences by having a review of the parts of a sentence. I realize some students may have a "bad taste" in their mouths about diagramming sentences, but I assure you, they will feel more and more confident as the weeks move forward. A copy of **To Kill a Mockingbird will be distributed to all students. Homework will be to complete the vocabulary (pages 138-144).

Tuesday: Blocks 2,3 and 5 will go over the vocabulary homework. We will have students come up to the board to begin some diagramming of sentences. There may be a handout to be completed for homework. Students will, also, be responsible to keep on task with the required readings of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Wednesday: Blocks 2 and 3 will review vocabulary words for the quiz on Friday. They will continue with diagramming practice and introduction to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Block 6 will go over the vocabulary homework and do Tuesday's class work.

Thursday: Blocks 5 and 6 will review for the vocabulary quiz on Friday. The rest of the class will practice diagramming of sentences and continue with To Kill a Mockingbird

Friday:  Vocabulary # 111 quiz. We will, catch up on To Kill a Mockingbird, if needed.

**To Kill a Mockingbird will be discussed (chapter by chapter) in class. It is imperative that ALL students stay on task and keep up with the daily, required reading of the novel.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Week of December 16-20, 2019

This week will be devoted to the review for the mid-term exams. Last week, we started the review and, this week, we will continue with it. The review will consist of different approaches to making sure the students have the opportunities to improve their knowledge and prepare themselves for the mid-term.
The Vocabulary mid-term is on Wednesday, December 18, while the grammar and essay portion of the mid-term will be on Friday, December 20.

Monday: Review
Tuesday: Review
Wednesday: Vocabulary mid-term will be administered
Thursday: Last day for review
Friday (Half day...noon dismissal)  The grammar portion of the mid-term will be administered.*****

**** There will be a"tutorial" Friday morning, beginning at 7:30 a.m. in my classroom.

I want to wish everyone a wonderful and Happy Holiday and Happy New Year.